Download the complete pdf version of the call for special sessions here.

VLSI-SoC’24 seeks proposals for Special Sessions. Proposed topics include, but are not limited to, hot and emerging topics relevant to VLSI-SoC, as well as cross topics (i.e. topics which can be considered "border line" for the VLSI community, but have, or are expected to have, a significant impact on test research/development/application/implementation activities). Proposers of Special Sessions are assumed to be able and willing to serve as organizers of the session, i.e., contact speakers, moderators, etc. Special Session organizers can also be speakers or moderators in their own proposals. Perspective Special Session organizers can also collaborate with potential embedded tutorial presenters, for proposing a special track topic which can homogenize a special session and a tutorial session across a single topic.


Submitted proposals must satisfy an abstract of up to two A4 pages outlining the session’s scope and topic(s), the objectives and relevance of the proposed session to VLSI-SoC, the format of the session, a list of prospective  speakers along with short bios for each potential speaker. Your proposal should indicate the duration and layout of your proposed session. The duration should be at least 60 minutes AND no more than 90-minutes. The layout should show at least two 30-minutes (long) presentations AND at most four presentations.

Please also add the following information:

  • Please add the title, name and contact information of the session organizer(s) and, if different, the session moderators. Please include max five sentences bio of the organizer(s), which should indicate his/her/their track record of organizing such session in an international event.
  • Please justify why you think this session will be attractive to the general VLSI-SoC community and its alignment with hot/emerging topics in this area.
  • Please provide affiliations and max five sentence bio of each presenter and session moderator.
  • Please indicate the name of session moderator. The moderator could also be one of the session speaker. 
  • Assuming that your proposal is accepted, please answer the following two questions: 1) expected number of attendees for this session, 2) briefly describe your strategy for promoting this session to achieve your estimated target number of attendees.

By means of their submission, special session speakers and moderators agree to register for and participate in VLSI-SoC’24, in case their special session submission is accepted for oral presentation.


Submission deadline: May 20, 2024
Notification of acceptance: June 10, 2024
Camera-ready manuscript: June 30, 2024

Submission Website

Click here to submit your proposal. Only electronic submission of PDF files via the paper submission page are accepted.


Upon acceptance, special session organizers will collaborate with the session speakers to summarize the contributions in 2 to 4 papers, one paper per presentation; each paper should be 6 page in length. The contributors have also the option to prepare a combined single paper with up to 10 pages, instead of 6-page separate papers. The papers associated with accepted special sessions will be included in the formal proceedings. The papers will undergo a fast review process by the SS co-chairs and a dedicated committee, in coordination with the Special Sessions co-Chairs. Each presenter has to register.

Contact Information

For more information, please contact the Special Session Chairs This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.